Domestic violence in Austin is more common than what most people would like to think. Even the use of tactics such as intimidation, fear, guilt, or shame to dictate or control a marital partner may constitute domestic abuse. To protect yourself against threats and harm in these situations, you should immediately contact a skilled Austin divorce attorney.
Here are some of the steps you can take if your partner is being abusive or indulging in domestic violence in Austin.
Seek Urgent Assistance
If you are worried about your and your children’s well-being at the hands of an abusive partner, or you are a victim of domestic violence in Austin, you should contact a local domestic abuse program office as soon as possible. They have the training and the resources to provide you physical and emotional protection and counseling, and even safe-housing if necessary.
Take a Few Quick Precautions
Create a password on your phone and computer as well as change the privacy settings on your social media networks so that your abusive partner is unable to access your personal information or harass you online.
Secure your individual bank accounts and credit cards, so that they cannot be misused. If you have little kids, remove them to a place of safety (such as with a trusted friend or relative) before you take firm action against a physically abusive partner.
Obtain Evidence of Abuse
A seasoned Austin divorce attorney will advise you to preserve any proof of domestic abuse that you may have, no matter whether it is from a recent or old incident. But don’t place yourself in the line of harm just because you are anxious to collect evidence of abuse.
If you have saved any abusive text messages or emails, or taken photos or recorded acts of verbal or physical abuse on a mobile device, you can secure all such proofs carefully. If you end up seeking a divorce or full custody of your children, these pieces of evidence will support your case.
Take Deliberate Steps if You Want to Confront
If you intend to control your abusive partner and inform them that you are going to file for divorce, you should have a trusted Austin divorce attorney present with you.
You need to anticipate the possibility that your abuser could violently react to your decision. Keep your emergency bags ready if the situation gets out of hand and you are forced to leave in a hurry.
Obtain a Restraining Order from Court
Domestic violence in Austin can have severe legal consequences for the offender. If you believe you are under threat from an abusive partner, seek help from your Austin divorce attorney to obtain a restraining order from the court.
Your lawyer may also help you file a case of domestic battery and assault, depending on your situation. They will help you prepare the necessary evidence and documents so that your rights are fully protected by the family court in Texas.
Fight for Your Rights with a Tenacious Divorce Lawyer in Austin
You need a tough Austin divorce attorney who will make it a top priority to fight the legal battle for you and help you achieve your objectives. Family law attorney Eric M. Willie, P.C. has the capability and dedication to ring-fence your case and take it to its logical conclusion in a most satisfactory manner for you. To request a consultation, call us at 512-478-0834 or contact us online.